October 02, 2006

Mental Skills for Successful Bodybuilding

Believe or not, your mental condition plays a fundamental role for achieving your goals in bodybuilding. Results will only come if you are strongly convinced about your implication in bodybuilding and fully involved in your weight training program. This post summarizes the basic skills needed for developing an appropriate attitude for achieving success in bodybuilding.

Compromise. Evaluate if bodybuilding agrees with your goals. Bodybuilding is not about lifting heavy weights. Bodybuilding aims for a complete physical and mental development. The work that you do in the gym is as important as your work outside. Training is a key concept, but it is almost useless without proper nutrition and adequate rest. If you are not ready to assume this fact and its implications, perhaps bodybuilding is not your sport.

Motivation. Bodybuilding is hard: intense training sessions, diet, days when you are not so keen on going to the gym… You have to be fully motivated to face with that. Visualize your success. Establish long-term as well as short-term goals, and stay focused on them. Use the accomplishment of these goals to motivate yourself.

Consistency & Patience. Training only occasionally will not involve any muscle improvement. Unless you are sick, there is no excuse not to go to the gym. Don’t miss workouts, follow your schedule to the letter and do your best every single workout in order to achieve your goals. But you must have patience. Muscle will not grow out of proportion overnight. Persevere with your work and stay motivated and results will come.

Positive thinking. “I can’t” is a phrase you should ban from your vocabulary. If your mind can't visualize success, your body sure will not do the job for you.

To conclude, I want to recommend you the “Desire & Attitude” section of Muscle 101 site about the importance of staying motivated and positive attitude to achieve your goals in bodybuilding.

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